Saturday 28 June 2014

Route 8 'the gr8'

Route 8 was converted to New Routemaster operation on the 28th June 2014, just over a year after the first full New Routemaster conversion of the 24. Ever since the buses have entered a full service on multiple routes such as: 9, 10, 11, 38, 148, 390 and now the 8.

Prior to the conversion of the route, it was allocated with ALX400s. These were often intermixed with the batch for route 277 which is also operated from the same garage (Bow) as the 8. 

Route 8 today runs between Bow Church and Tottenham Court Road Station, it's original western destination is Oxford Circus but currently it is cut back to Tottenham Court Road due to Roadworks affecting the Holles Street stand. At the time the above picture was taken, the 8 was also cut at the eastern end from Bow Church, but it has since returned to it's original terminus of Bow Church.

A week or so before route 8 converted to New Routemaster operation, Bow Garage started taking delivery of brand new Euro6 Enviro400 Hybrids for route 205. It was unknown if these Hybrids would ever make it onto Route 8 with it's conversion date fast approaching, but nonetheless BW did give us a treat and put 14reg Hybrids on very often. In the picture on the left Jack caught up with the working and managed to take a pretty good picture of it. 

Route 8 was the first route in London to gain these types of vehicles upon contract renewal, It was announced with the tender that the route would be operating these vehicles in OPO mode only, with no conductor present at any time of the day. This is a very controversial move and there have been mixed reviews about this.

The conversion itself didn't get off to a great start, when these buses started to phase in early many of them did not have working ibus equipment and then it was at doubt whether all the buses would be delivered in time for the contract start of 28th June. But despite all the speculation, Saturday the 28th came with a full allocation of New Routemasters on the 8. 

I went out to test out the vehicles for myself on the 28th of June. I first wanted to test out the 38, but that failed miserably and after than I knew my mood was not good for making a proper judgement on the 38. After taking a quick retreat into McDonald's from a thundershower I went to Tottenham Court Road to ride the 8. 

It started off pretty well, the bus turned up 6 minutes earlier than it was scheduled to, and at no point in the Route it had to be regulated. Although the "New Bus smell" of the LTs still had quite a strong presence on the bus. Then later when we were between St Paul's and Bank we got stuck behind a group of cyclists and had no way of overtaking. But once we passed them there was one more obstical in our way, which was the Bishopsgate. Although it wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be and we managed to get through pretty fast.

The area of Bethnal Green, Old Ford and Bow was pretty enjoyable. Many of you may know that this area contains many tight turns, but the LTs managed to clear these turns with ease and still managed to maintain speed. But when we reached the part of the Route which I was most anticipating, the A12, I was completely upset to find a long line of cars stretching out into the distance. Eventually we reached Bow church, from where I started to make my journey home. But not until I stopped to take a few more pictures. 

Like Route 38, the 8 is home to 6 Adidas liveried buses for the 2014 World cup, I spotted one in the form of LT268. while waiting for my bus home

Overall I think Route 8 has been a Pretty decent conversion, it could have been better on many different aspects, although it did outperform itself on other sections of the Route. I will probably need to take a ride on it again once It is re-instated to Oxford Circus as I would like to see it perform that turn into Hanover square. But judging by today I don't think that would be much of a problem. 

What route is next? Route 453 is converting on the 4th October 2014 followed by Route 55 on the 28th February 2015.

Thank you for reading this post, Please Visit again soon ;)

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